- Belonging and connection are basic human needs, and “the work” of children and youth during their critical years, is to learn and develop the ability to have safe, healthy human relationships.
- Restrictions, including physical distancing, are required right now, but they can also put kids at risk. Not only are relationships key to the social and relationship development for children and youth, the interruption or absence of this important part of childhood and adolescence can send children and youth into the more dangerous channels in the online world, where they can be adversely affected by targeting, negativity, and become even more isolated and alone.
- BGC is doing everything in our power to be in front of as many children and youth as possible right now: through in person programs in our Clubs (with fewer numbers in order to follow COVID-19 restrictions), through virtual programs and supervised virtual social gatherings, and in 1:1 follow ups and outreach to families who we know need our support more than ever.
We want you to know exactly what your gift will go towards right now…
We hope you’re as inspired as we are!

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