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Wanna make a gift with BIG impact!? One of our incredible #BGCBesties is matching ALL gifts made to BGC up to $100k! That means, when you make a gift to BGC right now, your impact isn’t just big...It’s DOUBLED! Click the link in our bio or visit bgcbc.ca to donate. 💚
#OpportunityChangesEverything #UnbelievableImpact

February is Black History Month – A time to celebrate the contributions of the Black Community and amplify their voices. We are celebrating #BHM2025 and supporting our Black community with activities, learning, and projects like this one by our very own Kivan Club!

Summer on the ocean? ✅
New friends? ✅
Making memories? ✅
Camp Potlatch is BGC’s summer wilderness Camp located right in the Howe Sound. We are looking forward to welcoming over 1,000 campers this summer and we need AWESOME staff to help make this the BEST SUMMER EVER. Sound like your jam? Visit bgcbc.ca/summer-camp to learn more.

Get ready for all the BGC fun, all spring break long!
Every day, BGC Day Camps have a wide range of activities to choose from, including: Group games, creative arts, STEM activities, Cooking and baking, physical activity, outdoor play, and social recreation.
Day Camps are open to kids in grades 1-7, with specialized programming for pre-teens, and include a daily snack for all participants. Check out bgcbc.ca to find your nearest Club!

We’re very grateful for the support we received from our #BGCbesties at @goeasyltd—thanks for ensuring that each and every amazing kid at our Clubs has access to healthy meals and snacks through the BGC Summer Food Fund! #OpportunityChangesEverything #BGCNutritionPartner #UnbelievableImpact

Every year, we look forward to a super special holiday breakfast with our #BGCBesties at @bestbuycanada, where we celebrate hope, generosity and the Best Buy team`s annual holiday hamper donation. This year, Best Buy supported 29 of BGC`s Club families with some holiday magic and food security for the season. We are SO grateful for this partnership, and the amazing team at Best Buy! #ThatsUnbelievableImpact #OpportunityChangesEverything

As we step into 2025, we are thinking hard about how we can continue to provide safe, supportive spaces for kids and youth when they aren’t at home or at school because the reality is, most parents can’t be home with their kids ALL of the time.
BGC Truth #3: “Free” services are undervalued, considered to be lower quality, and overlooked (or sometimes considered to be “for someone else”).
At BGC, the biggest risk to kids during their out of school hours is being UNSUPERVISED! Childhood is when humans learn all the lessons for a successful life. When kids and youth spend all of their out of school time unsupervised, the reality is that the choices they make can do serious harm (to themselves, the community, and their futures). Every kid deserves high quality options and opportunities during their out of school time. Asking families to pay what they can, gives kids and youth the place where they choose how they spend their time – from a HUGE variety of developmentally appropriate, fun, and engaging options with peers – and where they are supervised but don’t feel like they are. This is also known as SAFE. This also gives the families BGC serves the gift of dignity and respect as they do the very hard work of parenting.

This time of year, there’s something special about feeling surrounded by people who care about you. That’s the sense of belonging we want EVERY kid and youth to feel all year long, no ifs, ands, or buts.
Families pay what they can when they choose BGC Clubs or Camp. To be clear, we DO ask them to contribute, and the vast majority do! This is our approach because we know that requiring people to prove their hardships, struggles, and challenges causes harm, shame, and trauma. We also know that families WANT to pay what they can because they value the benefits their kids and youth receive.
Meanwhile, we know there are people who will only make a donation to BGC if we provide proof that our families can’t pay (or are “in need”), and that just makes us work harder than ever, including by respectfully telling the truth (like now), so we can attract the support of every person we know who cares about kids and youth and their promising futures.
Please consider making a gift to BGC this holiday season and help us give kids and youth a safe place to belong all year long, no questions asked. 💚 Visit bgcbc.ca to learn more!