Voluntary disclosure of COVID-19 vaccination status

    The Why: BGC continues to look at all options for keeping our staff and participants safe during the pandemic, including promoting vaccinations as one of the most effective ways to mitigate and minimize the impacts of COVID-19, and to reduce its spread. As we work to protect children 12 and under, those who cannot be vaccinated, and to continue to keep our staff and participants safe, understanding the vaccination status of our employees is important. It will help BGC to respond to inquiries from staff, participants and families who are concerned about their own health and safety, and with planning for health and safety measures.

    The Challenges: While the majority of British Columbians have made the decision to become vaccinated (if they are medically able to), there are individuals who choose not to for personal reasons. And, while some people feel strongly that vaccinations against COVID-19 should be mandatory, there are others who believe it is each person's right to choose. Although Employers have the right to implement mandatory vaccination policies, BGC has considered the number of related issues around this including that individuals in Canada also have the right to claim their right to choose. The Government of BC has not made vaccinations mandatory for the kinds of work that BGC does, and so BGC is following their lead in this case.

    Aligning our approach with our culture: At BGC, we believe that we share a common commitment to a healthy, safe workplace, and that our work is rooted in mutual trust. This has guided our decision to request voluntary disclosure of vaccination status rather than a mandatory vaccination policy. BGC is requesting staff to voluntarily disclose their vaccination status by completing the following form. Voluntary disclosure information will be collected and kept confidential in HR and be used for the sole purposes of health and safety planning, and for general communications. At this time, being fully vaccinated against COVID-19 is not a requirement or condition of employment, and disclosure of vaccination status will not impact anyone's employment status.

    If you have questions? As always, please connect with your supervisor, Human Resources (HR), and/or anyone you'd like to connect with on the Leadership Team.


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