If you’re reading this, then you know that at Boys and Girls Clubs, we believe that every kid is amazing. Not that they would be if they only had other opportunities, or if circumstances were different. That they just are. We’d be lying, though, if we pretended that they always show up that way. At BGC, we know that when kids are struggling, acting out, or being “not perfect”, it’s our job to be with them, and to keep on believing in them.
You might have also noticed that when we talk to you, we don’t list off all the programs that are offered in our Clubs… because those are just the tools we use to engage with kids in a meaningful way. “Meaningful” means meaningful enough for us to be able to influence how they think and behave… about themselves. What I mean by that, is that we want to positively influence their own self-esteem and self-worth. And so, that’s why instead of talking about the list of programs, we tell you about the feelings and the impact that the Club triggers. At BGC kids feel belonging, and that they matter. And that is a gift of dignity that they keep forever.
Not only do our staff understand that every single kid is unique and amazing, there’s another thing they know – that we are also all (yes – all!) the same. We all need belonging, we all need dignity, and we all need connection. And that’s why what happens at each of our Clubs is a bit like magic, because when kids feel that they belong, and that they matter, they are able to experience the world as they should. You can help us by choosing to make a gift that will help one (or many!) of our amazing kids to have the sense of belonging and connection that is not only good for them, but that they deserve.
This holiday season, one of our closest friends was inspired by our amazing kids, and has committed to match donations from friends like you, up to a maximum of $10,000. So, your gift will double… how’s that for some BGC magic?
Carolyn Tuckwell
President & CEO
ctuckwell@bgcbc.ca | 604.879.6554