Hi All,
There is no better evidence that #BGCMatters than community leaders like Barry Scott, President of Maynards Fine Art and Antiques, who remember how their experiences at BGC have shaped their lives. Read below for his full story.
Do you have a BGC story to tell? We’d love to hear it!
My involvement with Boys and Girls Clubs started with Kiview Boys Club at 633 West 8th Avenue in 1951/52.
This introduction happened when the Director of Kiview Boys Club, Len Ryan, was patrolling the neighbourhood streets and back alleys looking for kids who could become members and not have to play on the streets.
I remember Len approaching myself and some other kids, asking where we lived. He then wanted to meet our mothers to make them aware of this facility for kids to join for $1 per year. At this time, Bob Smith was Executive Director; Len Ryan, Director and Merv Oveson, Assistant Director.
The Club became a focal point of my life growing up, as we would go directly there after school for sports activities; basketball, floor hockey, gymnastics, and on weekends, soccer and softball. After dinner and during the evenings, we would go back to the Club for woodworking, craft classes, ping pong, board games, etc. Kiview Boys Club also had a sound room where we could play hundreds of vinyl records on turntables, the great sounds of the 50s and 60s.
I remember playing sports against the other Boys Clubs – Gibbs, Kivan and Kimount, plus other organizations across the city.
I remember performing on the high bar with others in our gymnastics class for the visiting Governor General Vanier at Kiview Boys Club in the late 50’s.
During the early years at Kiview, we also attended summer camp at Camp Potlatch in Howe Sound, directly north of Gambier Island on the mainland. We would meet at the foot of Gore Avenue and boat to Camp Potlatch. When you were 8 years old, it was quite a trip to be going off to camp with a bunch of kids and waving at your parents as we pulled away from the dock. This was a big adventure. At Camp Potlatch, we stayed in cabins along the waterfront. I believe there were 7 cabins and another 2 farther back. The showers were unheated outside gang showers and the cafeteria was across a small creek. I remember swimming, boating, hiking and campfire sing-a-longs. It was all great fun!!
All the above experiences at Kiview and Camp Potlatch were good. We had discipline and rules if when you ignored them, you could be suspended from going into the Club which wasn’t a lot of fun when your friends were inside and you out! These consequences got your attention!
I believe, in many ways, my association with Boys and Girls Club has assisted me in giving back to the community as a volunteer; firstly as a Bantam football coach, and also as Director/Honorary Director of Boys and Girls Clubs.
I believe my early involvement with Boys and Girls Clubs helped shape my commitment to assist with many fundraising activities throughout the City. I also served as a Trustee of the Vancouver Art Gallery and currently on the Board of the Vancouver Police Foundation.
I value deeply my involvement and association with the Boys and Girls Clubs with many fond memories.
Barry Scott, President of Maynards Fine Art and Antiques