BGC’s Guide to Holiday Giving

Hi Everyone, At this time of year, we’re all inundated with requests for support from charities near and far. Even I can feel overwhelmed when all the requests seem like the needs are just too big. So, as we reach out with our “holiday ask”, I realized that you might appreciate hearing my secret for…


Why giving matters.

Hi there, Some of you might wonder why anyone other than fundraisers and people who work for charities would celebrate National Philanthropy Day. The truth is, we all have a reason to celebrate. You see, it’s all too easy to overlook the countless programs, services, and organizations that improve our lives and communities, because we…


You can’t say that your dog ate your email

Hey Friend, Were you that kid who procrastinated doing your homework? Be honest…I’m not here to judge! Procrastinating is something that happens to all of us. For example, maybe when you received our message a couple of weeks ago about the important role BGC is playing in helping youth to finish school, you meant to…


We’ve got a lot to be thankful for…

Hey Turkeys, As we crash into this Thanksgiving long weekend (where did September go… never mind summer?!?!), Boys and Girls Clubs is definitely thankful! At last week’s Club House Gala, we were overwhelmed by how people responded to our call for support. Not only did we raise every penny we need to replace the wharf…


What is helping a kid finish school worth to you?

When you imagine what our Clubs look like on a day like today, I bet you imagine loads of kids in the gym, making crafts, playing games, and eating. Do you also picture kids and youth doing their homework? You see, while our Club members are in our midst, we are a bit sneaky about…


Club House Gala 2016

Thank you! Thank you so much to all of our Guests, Sponsors, In-Kind donors, and Volunteers for all of your help to make the 2016 Club House Gala our most successful one yet! Check out the fantastic photos taken by the Vision Event Photography team in our Club House Gala 2016 photo album!   We…


Best. Birthday. Ever.

For the past 79 days, you’ve been reading (here and on Twitter) stories of our alumni and testimonials from our kids, staff and supporters about why BGC Matters. Tomorrow is the 80th, and final day of our birthday campaign and so we’ll be celebrating BGC’s 80th birthday with the support of the Vancouver Canadians at…


High risk or high potential? Ask us.

Hi Everyone, I might not be a parent, but that doesn’t keep me from feeling soooo very proud of our amazing Boys and Girls Clubs kids. Today’s message to tell you why #BGCMatters is in both written and video form. When we filmed the video of Doug, I was struck by how self-aware and articulate…


We, are the Champions…

Of kids! We’re channeling our inner Freddie Mercury over here to help us bring in the long weekend and kick off summer break! But seriously, it’s no coincidence that Anijela (Annie, to us), who tells her BGC story this week, calls BGC her champion. Why? Well, in our last strategic planning process, we realized that…


Lights, camera, alumni action!

I’m mixing it up this week, and sending you a video of one of our most loyal and dedicated alumni. Ken has belonged to BGC for more than 60 years. Still arriving at least twice a week to help us keep our Fraserview Club in top form, Ken’s is the kind of belonging that we…
