Is it really just summer camp?

Hey, Summer day camps in the city include popsicles, trips to the beach, dodge ball, arts and crafts, gardening, and on those REALLY hot days, just finding a shady spot to play a game or read… and just cool down. At Camp Potlatch, there’s swimming, kayaking, rock climbing, mass games, and new friends from far…


What would summer camp be… without kids?

Hi there, When we think about kids and summer, we think of them at play, which looks so fun and carefree. We don’t consciously realize that play, is in fact, their work! It’s how they practice all of the lessons they are learning from their parents, teachers, role models, heroes, and even from their friends.…


Living the lessons that we teach kids: tell the truth

Hi there, One of the most frequent questions I’m asked is what, other than money, does Boys and Girls Clubs need to achieve our goals. On the surface, that might seem like an easy question. But wait… not so fast. If you put yourself in my shoes (which I don’t easily share 😉 ), you’re…


What do all kids have in common: they’re hungry!

Hi Friend, Spring Break is officially here – and we’re busy hosting 750 kids for 2 full weeks of day camps that will keep them safe, active, and having fun. Does that seem like A LOT of kids to you? That’s good, because it IS!!! It’s loud, and busy, and let’s face it, a little…


BGC always wears pink coloured glasses!

At BGC, we have always known that bullying, regardless of whether it’s physical, verbal, written, or online, has long-term negative impacts for everyone involved… the targets of bullying (and their friends and families), the witnesses, and the bullies themselves. We also know that there are constructive ways for kids to develop skills to prevent bullying…


Any other eternal optimists out there?!

Hi there, January is always a little “something”… as in, not my favourite month, I suppose. And this January, I was a bit more blah than usual because of a Fraser Institute report recently released that speaks to the fact that charitable giving in Canada is at a 10-year low, and that BC is near…


BGC’s Guide to Holiday Giving

Hi Everyone, At this time of year, we’re all inundated with requests for support from charities near and far. Even I can feel overwhelmed when all the requests seem like the needs are just too big. So, as we reach out with our “holiday ask”, I realized that you might appreciate hearing my secret for…


Why giving matters.

Hi there, Some of you might wonder why anyone other than fundraisers and people who work for charities would celebrate National Philanthropy Day. The truth is, we all have a reason to celebrate. You see, it’s all too easy to overlook the countless programs, services, and organizations that improve our lives and communities, because we…


You can’t say that your dog ate your email

Hey Friend, Were you that kid who procrastinated doing your homework? Be honest…I’m not here to judge! Procrastinating is something that happens to all of us. For example, maybe when you received our message a couple of weeks ago about the important role BGC is playing in helping youth to finish school, you meant to…


We’ve got a lot to be thankful for…

Hey Turkeys, As we crash into this Thanksgiving long weekend (where did September go… never mind summer?!?!), Boys and Girls Clubs is definitely thankful! At last week’s Club House Gala, we were overwhelmed by how people responded to our call for support. Not only did we raise every penny we need to replace the wharf…
