Pink Shirt Day!

At BGC, we recognize that bullying, regardless of whether it’s physical, verbal, written, or online, has long-term negative impacts for everyone involved – the targets of bullying, the witnesses, and the bullies themselves. We also know that there are constructive ways for kids to develop skills to prevent bullying and to thrive, and that by…


Saved by (the) Bell

This week, as you may have seen, Bell’s Let’s Talk event celebrates its seventh year. Here at Boys and Girls Clubs, we support Bell Let’s Talk – here’s why. On October 2, 2015, Boys and Girls Clubs of South Coast BC were honoured to celebrate another Bell partnership – with us and NBA Canada –…


This Holiday Season, Give Dignity and Belonging

Finding a way to respectfully support our families who, despite their best efforts, were having an especially hard time at Christmas was at the top of the agenda when I joined Boys and Girls Clubs way back in December 2005. The debate swirled, both internally and with our donors… “Do families really need this kind…


Over 50 Years with Sears!

Not long after they began retailing in Canada, Sears decided to support quality, after-school programs delivered by Boys and Girls Clubs across the country. 2015 marked the 50th anniversary of the partnership with Boys and Girls Clubs of Canada. Over the past five decades, Sears Canada and its employees, customers and suppliers have donated an…


The A Team

We are thrilled to let you know that here at Boys and Girls Clubs Foundation of South Coast BC, we have recently added seven new members to our Board of Directors. This is BGC’s Posse. Crew. Pack. Family. Light Bringers. Magic Makers. Goal Getters. World Shifters. Passion Seekers. Whatever you want to call them, these are the fearless leaders…


Where Do You Belong?

I’ve been talking a lot recently about the same thing. Over, and over, and over. Kids need a place to really belong. Am I just paying lip service to Boys and Girls Clubs mission and vision? Is our intentional programming just a clever disguise for what is ultimately just daycare? Let me ask you this:…


We the North

In advance of the Raptors’ annual exhibition game in Vancouver last week, NBA Raptors All-Stars, Kyle Lowry and DeMar DeRozan along with Bruno Caboclo and Lucas Nogueira dropped by our Kimount Club in Vancouver to host a basketball clinic with our kids and to unveil the gym that NBA Canada and Bell refurbished. “We all…


The Antidote for Kids “Going Off Track”

Have you ever noticed that behind the excitement of back-to-school in September is a secret, collective sigh of relief from parents? We have, and it always entertains us because we totally get it! We love September because back-to-school means thousands of kids coming back to our 12 neighbourhood Clubs after school. While tons of them…


We Have BIG Goals!

Fact: I like back to school in September. All the super cliché things make me happy – the crisper air, changing leaves, and I’ll admit it, I still kinda like the back to school shopping. We start fresh, look to the future, and get excited about what’s coming next. Around the Boys and Girls Clubs,…
